New Private Label Wholesale
Recently, our sister company, Private Label Extensions, took the process of wholesale hair delivery to a new level.
If you haven’t heard the good news yet, we have a new system in place for our fantastic hair entrepreneurs!
We want to introduce you to Private Label Wholesale. This new platform allows our customers to gain direct manufacturer access for everything we sell on Private Label Extensions and both of our dropshipping platforms.
- With this new system, we also offer real-time customer service from our Private Label Extensions Atlanta location. This feature takes away the issues regarding communication with vendors, which can be a hassle dealing with from overseas. High-cost order returns would be a thing of the past as well since all returns would go straight to our Atlanta office. Even the problem of keeping the products consistent (Have you ever ordered the same hair from the same vendor twice only to see that when compared, they are different? Yeah, we can relate.) would no longer be a problem. Not only is the communication and overall logistics with running your hair business much more comfortable, but the prices are insane! When we say crazy, we mean you won’t find this anywhere else. Bundles start at $12, and 3D Mink Lashes begin at $4.50. Something too good to be real has to have a catch, right? Nope, there is no catch, but there are limits:
- First, there are no fees associated with this membership. Get happy again!
- Approval is required to access this revolutionary platform. To get approved, you must be a business owner. Don’t get too discouraged because if you have something as simple as an e-commerce website (like from Dropship Bundles), you can get approved quickly!
- All orders must be bulk purchases of at least $500 in your cart at checkout.
You can learn more about getting approved by scrolling through Private Label Wholesale’s FAQ page.

How is Dropshipping Related?
You may be wondering at this point how this new system integrates with our dropshipping platforms like Dropship Bundles or the Dropship Beauty App.
Well, keep in mind that the two programs are entirely separate. Dropshipping is our method of shipping small branded beauty products directly to your clients (and we are the BEST to do it). The new wholesale system will only ship products directly to you.
Is it worth using both platforms at the same time? Should you stick with one and use the other later?
We’ve thought about some strategies based on current entrepreneurial statuses and figured out when it is appropriate to integrate and when it is best to use one over the other.

First Stage Hair Entrepreneurs
If you’re starting in the business, you will find that patience and self-control are needed virtues to continue in this industry.
You won’t get sales right away, and you’re more than likely in the marketing stage where you’re merely trying to build trust with potential consumers.
We’ve been there, and we understand, which is why it is probably better for you to utilize our dropshipping system while placing Private Label Wholesale on hold until you establish the business a little more.
Your primary focus should be on advertising and customer service. Shipping out your inventory can be a hassle, especially if you only have yourself and maybe a few other people working with you.
Let our Dropship Bundles or Dropship Beauty App platforms take care of your custom branding and shipping, so you can focus on what needs your attention the most!
Later on, Private Label Wholesale could become your best friend. It is possible, with some time and dedication in a few years, for your business to exceed all expectations.
When this happens, you could be ready to take on inventory and probably need better vendor prices at that point to focus your business budget on other aspects.
Around this time is when you should look into gaining access to our Private Label Wholesale system.
Advanced Beauty Entrepreneurs
If you’re a salon owner or you’re accepting clients for a multitude of hairstyling services, and you’re also trying to build your brand, then you could benefit from utilizing both platforms.
Keep in mind what both platforms are used for and determine if that’s something you believe you can handle based on your current finances and clientele.
Depending on how many consistent customers and clients you have, it could be best to have hair products shipped out through drop shipping as well as having hair on hand for customers that come in.
Private Label Wholesale could be useful for you to show your customers samples of the hair to run their fingers through multiple times. The hair could be styled and displayed on mannequin heads to illustrate the variety of styles you can do.
You can also use it for styling your clients’ hair, which is extremely convenient for both you and your client because now no one has to go out and find the perfect bundles.
They are right there at your shop!
Veteran Entrepreneurs Ready to Rebrand
You may have been in the beauty industry for a couple of years now, and your business is thriving. That’s great!
There can come a time where an entrepreneur is ready to start over. Not necessarily from the ground up, but maybe you’re prepared to try something new!
You could benefit by trying out the Private Label Wholesale platform and then utilizing our dropshipping services later. You have probably used many vendors to purchase from, but you’ve never had access to prices like these!
Once you gain access to the platform, you can check out all of the products we have to offer your business.
Afterward, you can determine whether we are a good fit for you, and hopefully, we are! Once you get a good look, you could make your first $500 order when you’re ready and let us take care of the rest.
Dropshipping comes in once you have a good sense of who we are, and you’re comfortable letting us handle your inventory for you.

Dropshipping and Wholesale
Whether you choose to use one or both platforms, we designed both with you in mind.
We want to see a thriving business regardless of where you are in the process. We are happy to provide you with everything, such as dropshipping, custom branding, website development, wholesale priced hair, and now even direct manufacturer access!
Have you gained access to Private Label Wholesale? Are you a Dropship Bundles/Dropship Beauty App member? We would love to hear from you!